For Family Lawyers

Many family law firms have minimal dealing with the Statutory Scheme of child maintenance, and NACSA are the ‘Go To’ provider for clients involved with CMS.

Whether you are a lawyer with a CMS related enquiry or have a client that you wish to refer to us, we are happy to help.
Family Lawyers may lead their clients through divorce and separation proceedings but have little involvement with the Statutory Scheme delivered by CMS. Not all clients will need to be concerned about CMS, but the carefully drafted court order can be cancelled after just 12 months, leaving some clients exposed to the rigid framework of child support law, and no consideration of the agreements made under the order.

NACSA can help with any CMS client or query you may have. We also deliver training sessions to family lawyers to encourage CMS based conversations with their clients and to make sure they are fully aware of how CMS may impact on their arrangements in the future.

NACSA also provide bespoke training sessions for Family Lawyers. If you are interested in a training sessions being delivered to your colleagues, please contact us.

Contact Us

If you need help with any Child Maintenance Service decision or threats of legal enforcement against child maintenance arrears, contact us now.